
SEO Friendly Ways to Google Panda

google panda
SEO blog is a way to position us well in search engines especially google search. It could also mean that businesses can exist on the first page and if I can be number one on google search engine.

It must have been many who know that Google has launched Google's new algorithm is named Panda. Google Panda replaces the previous algorithm. Panda is Google's goal is to give punishment to a blog or a site whose content is duplicate or copy and paste and also can delete them (not indexed) so that there is on the first page in search results is indeed relevant and quality

How to make our blog better friends with Google Panda, here are some tips that I know of:
1. Create original content (work itself) do not do copy and paste or duplicate content.
2. Make content more varied, not only text but also can be accompanied with a photo using ALT
3. Keep the blog updated regularly, the lapse of time between posts next to one who not too long.
4. Delete duplicate posts as a google page affect the overall assessment of blog content.
5. Create a blog is lighter so faster loading by reducing the widgets and ads in the sidebar.
6. Find quality backlinks and varied with blogwalking to high PR blogs or from twitter and facebook.
7. Suggested keyword must be present on the article title and header tags h1, h2 or h3 in content.
8. Make sure the main keyword is in post and at the end of the posting.
9. Create a main keyword and companion ranged from 2% -5% of the whole post and try to have in each paragraph naturally.
10. Try to give a suppressor in the keyword tagged with bold, underline and italic.
11. Do not put outbound (external) links that are irrelevant (not connect) with the theme of writing.
12. Try to provide internal links to the writings which are disconnected (relevant) with the previous posts.
13. It is recommended to write posts at least 400 words and always use categories / labels that are relevant.
Google Algorithm Panda is concerned with the level of bounce and bounce rate or duration of visitors in menelusuir blog. So try visitors feel at home and linger on our blog, how can make a related post, internal links and posting the video. Looks like we need to enable comment moderation or delete comments that the contents of spam (not appropriate).

Google Panda is going to be a good friend for bloggers are good, honest, and creative. Google Panda can also be an enemy for bloggers who are used to cheat and copy and paste. Hopefully these quick tips useful for you, start with a smart comment to get a quality backlink

1 Comment:

  1. well i don't really know about this thing, thanks for sharing..


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